Рябуха А.Г., Ильютчик Д.А. / A. Ryabukha, D. Ilyutchik
He old eolian landforms of the Southern trans-Urals
Шлюпикова М.М., Хорошев А.В.
The effect of the course of snow cover destruction on the annual course of the NDVI vegetative index as an indicator of the phytoproduction process on the steppe plateau in the Shaitan-Tau reserve
Левыкин С.В., Казачков Г.В., Левыкина Н.П. / S. Levykin, G. Kazachkov, N. Levykina
From steppe prejudices to a complete system of natural plant symbols of Russia
Аляев В.А., Хаванская Н.М., Вишняков Н.В., Семенова Д.А.
Territorial aspects of the strategy of social and economic development of rural areas on the example of the Oktyabrsky district of the Volgograd region
Чибилёв А.А. (мл.), Чернева Л.О., Чибилёв А.А., Свиридов И.С. / A. Chibilyov (jr.), L. Cherneva, A. Chibilyov, I. Sviridov
The comparative assessment of the level of the transport infrastructure development in the regions of the steppe zone of the Urals and Siberia
Краснокутская Н.С. / N. Krasnokutskaya
Geographical prerequisites as factors forming the quality of life of the population (on the example of the Luhansk People's Republic)
Нестеренко М.Ю., Чибилёв А.А. / M. Nesterenko, A. Chibilyov
Geoecology of oil and gas fields in the Buzuluk pine forest national park
Дедова И.С., Буруль Т.Н., Фишер О.В. / I. Dedova, T. Burul, O. Fisher
The historical and geomorphological analysis of the development of cossack settlement on the territory of the Khopersky cossack district of the great Don army
Мальцева И.А., Яковийчук А.В., Мальцев Е.И., Черкашина С.В., Бредихина Ю.Л., Дукова И.С. / I. Maltseva, A. Yakoviichuk, E. Maltsev, S. Cherkashina, Yu. Bredikhina, I. Dukova
The participation of soil microalgae and cyanobacteria of forest plantations of the steppe zone in the utilization of carbon dioxide
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Дусаева Г.Х., Калмыкова О.Г., Дусаева Н.В. / G. Dusaeva, O. Kalmykova, N. Dusaeva
On the issue of post-fire dynamics of production and destruction processes in the above-ground phytomass of steppe phytocenoses in "the Burtinskaya steppe" (the Orenburg nature reserve)
Барбазюк Е.В., Вельмовский П.В. / Barbazyuk E., Velmovsky P.
The winter avifauna of the Buzuluk pine forest national park and its quantitative change over the period 2012-2024
Безуглов Е.В., Ленева Е.А. / E. Bezuglov, E. Leneva
The current state of the steppe marmot settlements (Marmota bobak müller, 1776) in the conditions of the southeastern part of the steppe trans-Urals
Гулянов Ю.А. / Yu. Gulyanov
An analysis of the consequences of adverse meteorological phenomena and adaptation of the field production in the Eastern Orenburg region to modern climatic changes
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