460000, г. Оренбург, ул. Пионерская 11



The "Steppe Science" Journal was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999.

The founder of the Journal: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Editor-in-Chief: Alexander A. CHIBILEV, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor.

The issues consider materials of scientific research in the field of geoecology, physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry, economic, social, political and recreational geography, as well as in the field of biological and agricultural sciences.

The "Steppe Science" Journal publishes original scientific articles and scientific reviews in the following thematic areas:

  • Topical issues of steppe studies. Natural and historical and cultural heritage of the steppes.
  • Evolution, structure and anthropogenic transformation of steppe zone landscapes.
  • Landscape, biological and soil diversity of steppe regions.  
  • Problems of agrarian steppe land use and ecological rehabilitation of steppe landscapes.
  • Ecological, hydrological and water management aspects of nature management in the steppe zone.
  • Socio-economic and natural resource potential of steppe regions; economic and geographical aspects of steppe nature management.

Main columns of the Journal:

  • Earth Sciences
  • General Biology
  • Agricultural sciences

The Journal's publications are of interest to a wide range of readers: geographers, geoecologists, biologists, agricultural specialists – researchers, university teachers, graduate students, students.

The issue is published 4 times a year.



The "Steppe Science" Journal was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1999.

The founder of the Journal: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Editor: The Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Certificate of registration of mass media: E-series No. FS77-79189 dated September 22, 2020

ISSN: 2712-8628

Languages of the publication: Russian, English.
Distribution territories: Russian Federation, foreign countries.
Periodicity of publication: 4 times a year.
Manuscripts are accepted in Russian and in English.
The Journal does not charge a fee from the authors of the article for publication. 

Since 05.22.2023, the publication "Steppe Sciences" has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences, in the following scientific specialties should be published:

Natural Sciences

1.6. Earth and Environmental Sciences:
  • 1.6.12. Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry (geographical sciences);
  • 1.6.13. Economic, social, political and recreational geography (geographical sciences);
  • 1.6.15. Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (geographical sciences);
  • 1.6.16. Land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry (geographical sciences);
  • 1.6.21. Geoecology (geographical sciences).

1.5. Biological Sciences:

  • 1.5.9. Botany (biological sciences);
  • 1.5.12. Zoology (biological sciences);
  • 1.5.14. Entomology (biological sciences);
  • 1.5.15. Ecology (biological sciences);
  • 1.5.19. Soil science (biological sciences);
  • 1.5.20. Biological resources (biological sciences).
4. Agricultural Sciences
4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management:
  • 4.1.1. General agriculture and crop production (agricultural sciences);
  • 4.1.5. Land reclamation, water management and agrophysics (agricultural sciences).

The Journal is included in the systems of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Articles are assigned a DOI index.

The electronic version of the issues of the Journal is published on the journal's website, in the Scientific Electronic Library  eLIBRARY.RU and the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library.



Editorial office address: Russia, 460000, Orenburg, Pionerskaya str., 11.

tel./ fax: (3532) 77-44-32, 77-62-47

E-mail: steppescience@mail.ru

Editor-in-Chief: Chibilev Alexander Alexandrovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor.

Executive Secretary of the editorial Office: Grosheva Olga Alekseevna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences.



Independent review of incoming articles is carried out by members of the editorial board, the Editorial Board, and reviewers – leading scientists-specialists on the publication subject.

The Editorial Board monitors compliance with the requirements of ethics, relying on the developments of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Elsevier publishing house, the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" adopted by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) and other documents of foreign editorial associations and information systems.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the content of the published materials and recognizes this responsibility. The editorial team is guided by the principles of scientific research, objectivity, professionalism, and impartiality.

The Editorial Board makes honest and objective decisions, ensuring an effective one-sided blind review of all incoming materials.

The Editorial Board evaluates the intellectual content of the manuscripts regardless of the race, gender, religious views, citizenship, or political preferences of the authors.

The Editorial Board prevents unscrupulous scientific publications containing plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data, excessive self-citation, and irrelevant links.

The Editorial Board interacts with the authors based on fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty, and transparency.

The Editorial Board adheres to the principle of confidentiality of editorial and publishing processes. It does not transfer the materials of articles sent to the editorial office to third parties, except for reviewers and editorial staff. Unpublished data obtained from the submitted manuscripts are not used for personal and commercial purposes and are not transferred to third parties.

The Editorial Board resolves conflict situations arising in the course of work, using all the means available in the legal field to determine them.

The Editorial Board guarantees access to publications, ensuring their storage on the Journal website.

Reviewers responsibility:

  1. The Reviewer is guided by the principles of scientific research, objectivity, professionalism, and impartiality.
  2. The Reviewer gives a reasoned assessment of the results of the research conducted by the author (s). The review uses only correct expressions and explanations in relation to the article.
  3.  The Reviewer should also draw the Editorial Board's attention to discovering significant similarities or coincidences between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work within the scope of his / her scientific competence.
  4. The Reviewer considers the manuscript received for review as a confidential document, i.e., does not transfer it for review and discussion to third parties, does not use unpublished data for personal and commercial purposes.
  5. The Reviewer warns the Editorial Board about the presence of a conflict of interest (if it has arisen) before working with the article

The Author responsibility:

  1. The Author is aware that he is initially responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. Obviously erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.
  2. The Author guarantees that the research results presented in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements should be made with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form, including unformulated quotations, paraphrasing, or assigning rights to the results of other people's research, is unethical and unacceptable.
  3. The Author submits for consideration only an unpublished article and guarantees that the article is not under review in other scientific journals and will not be sent for publication in other scientific issues.
  4. The Author correctly cites his/her previous works and avoids self-plagiarism in the manuscript and an artificial increase in publication size. If the article is based on previously published materials having a non-article nature or presented on the Internet, the author should notify the Editorial Board of the publication.
  5. Co-authors of the article should be persons who have made a significant contribution to the research. It is unacceptable to indicate as co-authors persons who did not participate in the study.
  6.  All co-authors agree to submit the article to the publication.
  7.  The Author notifies the Editorial board of a potential conflict of interest.
  8. The Author should indicate the sources of financial support for the project (research) in the manuscript, the results of which are presented in the article.
  9. The Author notifies his / her co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the Editorial board and does not make decisions on the article alone, without the consent of all co-authors.
  10. The Author correctly conducts correspondence with the Editorial Board, responding to comments and observations if they arise. If necessary, the authors correct the data presented in the article.
  11. If the Author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, he must notify the Editorial Board of the journal as soon as possible to withdraw the publication for correction of errors.
  12. The Authors submit to the Editorial board an article prepared in strict accordance with the terms of publication of the articles.
  13. The Authors of the article must comply with the legislation on copyright protection. Copyrighted materials may only be reproduced with the permission of their respective owners.
  14. Submitting an article to the editor, the author confirms its uniqueness and assumes responsibility for the possible consequences of violating the copyright of other persons. The Author is aware that he is initially responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. Obviously erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

The Publisher responsibility:

  1. The Publisher does not influence the editorial policy of the electronic issue.
  2. The Publisher provides legal support to the Editorial Board, if necessary.
  3. The Publisher ensures the timely release of the following issues of the publication.
  4. The Publisher makes correcting, clarifications, and withdraws articles that reveal violations of scientific ethics or critical errors.



Chibilev Alexander Alexandrovich  

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016), Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1992), Professor, Honored Geographer of Russia, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Steppe Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg).

Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society (since 2002). Organizer and Chairman of the Constant Environmental Protection Commission of the Russian Geographical Society.

Scientific editor of the journal "South of Russia: ecology, development".

Member of the editorial boards of a number of leading Russian scientific journals, including:

Main scientific works in the field of physical geography, geoecology, biogeography and conservation. Author of more than 850 scientific publications, including 40 monographs [bibliography].

Initiator and head of work on the design of specially protected natural areas, including seven state reserves and national parks.

State awards of the Russian Federation: Order of Friendship (1999), Order of Honor (2009).

Scientific awards: P.P. Semenov RGS Gold Medal (1996), L.S. Berg Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015), winner of the Demidov Prize for outstanding contribution to the study of the steppes of Eurasia and the development of the theory and practice of nature conservation in Russia (2019).



Russia, 460000, Orenburg, Pionerskaya str., 11.
tel./ fax: (3532) 77-44-32, 77-62-47



  • Editor–in–Chief: Chibilev Alexander Alexandrovich – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Honored Geographer of Russia, Chief Researcher, Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg)..

1. Natural sciences
1.6. Earth and Environmental Sciences

  • Baklanov Petr Yakovlevich – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.02), Professor, Honored Geographer of the Russian Federation, Scientific Supervisor, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok);
  • Tishkov Arkady Alexandrovich –Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.23), Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Biogeography Department, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Gerasimenko Tatyana Il'inichna – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.24), Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Dmitrieva Vera Alexandrovna – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.27), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Environmental Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State University" (Voronezh);
  • Zyryanov Alexander Ivanovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.24), Professor, Head of the Department of Tourism, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State National Research University" (Perm);
  • Kolosov Vladimir Alexandrovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.24), Professor, Deputy Director, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Koronkevich Nikolay Ivanovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.07), Professor, Chief Researcher of the Hydrology Laboratory, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Kochurov Boris Ivanovich – dDoctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.11), Professor, Leading Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Levykin Sergey Vyacheslavovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.26), Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher, Head of the Department of Steppe Studies and Nature Management, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Lisetsky Fyodor Nikolaevich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.05), Professor of the Department of Environmental Management and Land Cadastre, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belgorod State National Research University" (Belgorod);
  • Litovsky Vladimir Vasilyevich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 07.00.10), Associate Professor, Head of the sector of productive forces and Territorial Planning, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
  • Myachina Ksenia Viktorovna – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), leading researcher, Head of the Department of Natural and Anthropogenic Geosystems, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Petrishchev Vadim Pavlovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.23), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Geology, Geodesy and Cadastre, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State University" (Orenburg);
  • Khoroshev Alexander Vladimirovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.23), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Studies, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Lomonosov Moscow State University" (Moscow);
  • Chernykh Dmitry Vladimirovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.23), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Landscape and Water–Ecological Research and Nature Management, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Barnaul);
  • Akhmedenov Kazhmurat Maksutovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.26), Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Board – Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations, Professor of the Department of Geography, M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University (Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan); 
  • Vasilyev Denis Yurievich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (specialty 01.02.05), Associate Professor of the Department of Physics of Advanced Aerospace Technologies, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa University of Science and Technology" (Ufa);
  • Velmovsky Pavel Vladimirovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Senior Researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Grosheva Olga Alexeevna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Senior Researcher of the Department of Steppe Studies and Nature Management, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Dubrovskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Senior Researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Pavleychik Vladimir Mikhailovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.11), leading researcher, Head of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Pashkov Serhey Vladimirovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University (Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • Ryabinina Natalia Olegovna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 11.00.11), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Cartography, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volgograd State University" (Volgograd);
  • Ryabukha Anna Gennadievna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Leading researcher of the Department of Steppe Studies and Nature Management, Scientific Secretary, Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Svyatokha Natalia Yuryevna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.24), Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Regional Studies, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State University" (Orenburg);
  • Sivokhip Zhanna Tarasovna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.36), Associate Professor, leading researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Filimonova Irina Yuryevna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.24), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Department of Museum Funds, State Autonomous Cultural Institution Orenburg Gubernatorial Museum of Local Lore (Orenburg);
  • Chibilev Alexander Alexandrovich (Jr.) – Candidate of Economic Sciences (specialty 08.00.05), leading researcher, Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography, Director, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg).

1.5. Biological Sciences

  • Rosenberg Gennady Samuilovich – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Professor, Head of the scientific direction, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Togliatti);
  • Agafonov Vladimir Alexandrovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.01), Professor, Head of the Department of Botany and Mycology of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State University" (Voronezh);
  • Artemyeva Elena Alexandrovna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.16), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Geography and Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov" (Ulyanovsk);
  • Bragina Tatiana Mikhailovna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.16), Professor, Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Pedagogical Institute named after U. Sultangazin, Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov (Kostanay, Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • Darbaeva Talshen Esenomanovna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Professor of the Department of Biology and Ecology, M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University (Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • Kust Herman Stanislavovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.27), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management Problems, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow);
  • Kucherov Sergey Evgenievich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.08), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Geobotany and Plant Resources, Ufa Institute of Biology – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa);
  • Litvinskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Professor, Professor of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University" (Krasnodar);
  • Namzalov Bimba-Tsyren Batomunkuevich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Professor, Professor of the Department of Botany, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University" (Ulan-Ude);
  • Nurushev Murat Zhusypbekovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences of the Russian Federation (specialty 03.00.32) and the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Professor, L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • Sambuu Anna Dorzhuyevna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.01, 03.02.08), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Geobotany and Soil Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Tuva Institute of Integrated Development of Natural Resources of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kyzyl);
  • Safronova Irina Nikolaevna – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.01), Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of General Geobotany, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg);
  • Silantieva Marina Mikhailovna –  Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.01), Professor, Director of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State University" (Barnaul);
  • Suyundukov Ilgiz Varisovich –Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.01), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Mathematics, Sibai Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" (Sibai);
  • Khristianovsky Pavel Igorevich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.19), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State Agrarian University" (Orenburg);
  • Shiryaev Anton Grigoryevich – Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.02.12, 03.02.08), leading researcher of the Laboratory of Plant World Biodiversity and Mycobiota, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg);
  • Bakiev Andrey Gennadievich – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.16), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Ecology of Terrestrial Vertebrates, Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Togliatti);
  • Barbazyuk Evgeny Vladimirovich – – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.08), researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Kalmykova Olga Gennadievna – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.15), Senior Researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Kin Natalia Olegovna – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Associate Professor, leading researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Spasskaya Natalia Nikolaevna – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.08), Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary of the Zoological Museum, curator of the collection of ungulates of the Theriology sector of the Zoological Research Museum, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Lomonosov Moscow State University" (Moscow);
  • Tkachuk Tatiana Evgenievna – Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Methods of their Training, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Trans-Baikal State University" (Chita).

4. Agricultural Sciences
4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management

  • Kulik Konstantin Nikolaevich – Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.03.04), Professor, Chief Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Volgograd);
  • Gulyanov Yuri Alexandrovich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.01.09), Professor, leading researcher of the Department of Steppe Studies and Nature Management, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Mushinsky Alexander Alexeevich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.01.09), Associate Professor, Director, Orenburg Experimental Station of Horticulture and Viticulture – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Breeding and Technology Center of Horticulture and Nursery" (Orenburg);
  • Savin Evgeny Zakharovich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.01.07), Professor, leading researcher of the Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Orenburg);
  • Trofimov Ilya Alexandrovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (specialty 25.00.33), Candidate of Biological Sciences (specialty 03.00.05), senior researcher (specialty 06.01.12), Head of the Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Fodder Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams" (Lobnya, the Moscow region);
  • Yuferev Valery Grigorievich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.03.04), Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Geoinformation Modeling and Mapping of Agroforestry Landscapes, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Volgograd);
  • Yartsev Gennady Fedorovich – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (specialty 06.01.01), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Agrotechnology, Botany and Plant Breeding, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Orenburg State Agrarian University" (Orenburg)..



Rules for submitting articles

Original and review scientific articles on the subject of the Journal with an originality coefficient of 75% (according to the Anti-Plagiarism program) are accepted for publication.

Articles drawn up according to the rules are sent to the editorial office at the following email address: steppescience@mail.ru

Submitting an article to the Journal, the authors guarantee that the relevant material (in the original or translated into other languages or from other languages) has not been published anywhere before and is not under consideration for publication in other publishing houses.

Each author (co-author) accepts the terms of the public offer (the agreement on the publication of a scientific article).

The authors are notified within a week from the date of receipt of the article to the editorial office.

Rules for publishing articles

All materials submitted for publication are subject to one-way (blind) review (review rules).

Articles are published in the order of priority (date of receipt to the editorial office) in the next or subsequent issues of the publication.

In the process of editorial preparation of the manuscript, the authors are notified by e-mail about the editor's questions or suggestions on the content or design of the article and are obliged to give the necessary answers and explanations, eliminate shortcomings within the period specified by the editor. If these deadlines are not met, the publication of the article is postponed to the next issue.



The publication is issued following the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK).

The Journal accepts the most significant scientific works that have not been published before, which correspond to the topic, have scientific novelty, and contain the author's scientific research materials.

The material of the manuscript submitted to the Editorial board must correspond to the subject of the Journal.

The paper size should not less 7 and should not exceed 15 pages including abstract, keywords, tables, figures and reference.

Originality – no less 75%.

The article should include Universal Decimal Classification (UDC).

Languages of papers – Russian, English.

Articles should be prepared using MS Word 2003-2016 according the following requirements:

  • Portrait orientation,
  • Pages of А4 size,
  • Margins of 2 cm,
  • Font Times New Roman,
  • Points  – 12,
  • Line interval – 1,
  • Alignment justified,
  • Indented paragraphs – 1 cm 

Tables are prepared using MS Word. Numbers and titles should be printed above tables. Each table should be mentioned in the text, for example: (tab. 1).

Graphic matter (figures, plans, schemes, pictures) should contain general materials of the study.

Graphics should have a high quality. The publishing house can demand material on separate jpg files having a resolution no less than 300 dpi. Titles and numbers of graphics should be mentioned below figures. Each figure should be mentioned in the text, for example: (fig. 1).

Formulae, nomenclature and units should be made using either MS Word or  MathType.

Keywords (in Russian and English) – obligatory; they should include 5-10 words and phrases. Keywords and phrases are separated by a comma. The keywords should exactly reflect the study area.

Abstract (in Russian and English) – obligatory. The recommended average size of the abstract is 500 typographical units (State Standard 7.9-95). The abstract should reflect the article's structure and be informative. It should be laconically stated and include principal information and resumes presented in work. The author's summary is intended to serve as an independent source of data from the article.

Information about an author should include: Surname, Name, Last name, position, degree, affiliation, and ORCID (find out your ORCID or register). The information should be in the Russian and English languages and replaced at the end of the article after References.

References are obligatory and should include papers used by an author. The Editorial board motivates authors to work with novel informational sources. References should consist of articles published for the last ten years as the minimum at 70% since citation of archaic sources makes international experts doubt in topicality of the information in the report. 

No more than 20% of self-citation of papers published in other editions is allowed. 

The list of References is arranged according to State Standard Р 7.0.5-2008. Citation on the proper source in the References should be mentioned in the text in square brackets (for example: [1]). References is placed as the common list in the end of the article in the order of its mentioning in the text.

REFERENCES – all Russian-language publications in this list should be transliterated (we recommend a resource http://translit.net/ru/?account=bsi (BSI) and their titles should be translated into English.  

The list of References should not include separating characters "//," "–" and "№." English-language sources are not transliterated. 



The text of an article is presented according to the international standard IMRAD (learn more IMRAD).

Principal  components of the article:

  • Introduction (should include topicality of the problem, a short review of domestic and foreign scientists’ publications. It should be mentioned targets and tasks of the study).
  • Materials and Methods (describes all methods, methodological approaches that used in the paper and based on which the material was analyzed).
  • Results and Discussion (represents results of the study including tables, graphics, diagrams, figures).  
  • Conclusion

We recommend using a design template



All materials submitted for publication undergo a one-sided anonymous (blind) review (the authors of the manuscript do not know the reviewers).

1. The review is carried out by members of the editorial board or external experts. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and have had publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years.

2. Each article is sent to at least two reviewers.

3. The decision to select a reviewer for the examination of the article is made by the editor-in-chief or technical editor. The review period is 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the article to the editorial office, but it can be extended at the request of the reviewer.

4. The review should be objective, and contain specific, clearly formulated comments and recommendations for the revision of the article. Any assessments insulting the honor and dignity of the authors of the article are unacceptable in the review.

5. Based on the results of the examination of the manuscript, the reviewer gives a conclusion (each decision of the reviewer is justified):

  • the article is recommended for printing in the presented form;
  • the article can be recommended for publication after the elimination of comments;
  • a significant revision of the article and re-reviewing is required;
  • the article is not recommended for printing.

6. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the article, the editorial board of the journal sends the author the text of the review (a scanned copy of the review with deleted information about the reviewer) with a proposal to take them into account when editing the article or to refute them (partially or completely). The revision of the article should not take more than 2 months from the date of sending an e-mail to the authors about the need to make changes. After this period, the article is considered as newly received. The article finalized by the authors is sent for re-review or for confirmation of readiness for publication (depending on the first conclusion of the reviewer). 

7. If the authors refuse to rework the article, they must notify the editorial board in writing (by e-mail) of their refusal to publish.

8. Articles that have received positive conclusions from two reviewers are sent for editorial and publishing preparation. The authors are notified by e-mail about the publication dates of the article.

9. The decision to publish an article with multidirectional reviews is made by the editor-in-chief. In case of negative conclusions of two reviewers, the article is rejected by the decision of the editorial board; copies of the reviews or a reasoned refusal are sent to the authors by e-mail.

10. The editorial board does not enter into scientific polemics with authors and reviewers on the content of articles and comments expressed in the review.

11. The original reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years from the date of publication of the article.

12. Copies of the reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon request.



  • Editor: The Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - a separate structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Editorial office address: Russia, 460000, Orenburg, Pionerskaya str., 11.
  • E-mail: steppescience@mail.ru
  • Tel: +7(3532) 77-44-32; 77-62-47
  • Contact person: Grosheva Olga Alexeevna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, senior researcher


Институт степи уральского отделения российской академии наук (ИС УрО РАН)

обособленное структурное подразделение Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения науки Оренбургского федерального исследовательского центра Уральского отделения Российской академии наук (ОФИЦ УрО РАН)

460000, г. Оренбург, ул. Пионерская 11













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Политика конфиденциальности
