Белоновская Е.А., Чендев Ю.Г., Царевская Н.Г., Титова С.В., Тишков А.А. / Е. Belonovskaya, Yu. Chendev, N. Tsarevskaya, S. Titova, А. Tishkov
Approaches and methods of the ecological framework forming within the old-developed steppe region (on the example of the Belgorod region)
4 |
Пичейкин А.Н., Шинкаренко С.С. / А. Picheikin, S. Shinkarenko
Trends of burned areas dynamics in the landscapes of the Terek-Kuma lowland (Northwestern Caspian region)
Дорошенко В.В., Синельникова К.П., Воронина В.П. / V. Doroshenko, K. Sinelnikova, V. Voronina.
Dynamics of the open sands areas at the test site in the north-east of the Stavropol region in 2022-2023
26 |
Гусев А.В., Гусева Е.И. / A. Gusev, E. Guseva
Daphne sophia Kalen. geographical distribution and state of Cenopopulations
34 |
Кин Н.О., Леонов А.Г.. / N. Kin, A. Leonov.
Species of the genus Gagea Salisb. in the flora of the Buzuluk pine forest
51 |
Щебланова М.А., Носова Е.Н.. / M. Shcheblanova, E. Nosova
Area and weight of tree leaves in plantings of Buzuluk at different vehicle traffic intensity
58 |
Есюнин С.Л., Кабдрахимов А.А. / S. Esyunin, A. Kabdrakhimov
New data on the spider fauna (Arachnida: Aranei) of the steppe zone of the West Kazakhstan region
67 |
Шпигельман М.И., Давыгора А.В. / M. Shpigelman, A. Davygora
Trophic connections of large faired predators with saiga of the volga-ural population in conditions of its number growth
79 |
Белобров В.П., Дворникова Н.В., Ермолаев Н.Р. / V. Belobrov, N. Dvornikova, N. Ermolaev
Properties of chernozems of the Volga forest-steppe reserve
Гулянов Ю.А. / Yu. Gulyanov
The role of nature-like technologies in the formation of ecologically balanced agricultural landscapes in the post- virgin regions of the steppe zone of Russia
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